Insure Your Car Retake Your Driver's License
I was happy I had just bought my very first car and it was a symbol in the United States. Well that was in theory. In practice I was just the owner of a sheet of paper for the moment. The latter was to allow me to formalize the change of owner and to obtain license plates. In this article I will talk to you about car insurance, the United States version driver's license (specifically that of New Jersey) and the acquisition of license plates.
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How to Get Insure Your Car Retake Your Driver's License? |
Insure your car
In the United States as in US it is forbidden to drive without insurance. However where generally in America the seller's insurance protects the car until midnight on the day of purchase in the United States the car ceases to be insured as soon as the Certificate of title is signed. You must therefore insure the vehicle before buying it otherwise it will be legally impossible to move it to your home after your purchase.
Compare the different offers
At the time feeling too uncomfortable in English to ask for quotes over the phone and fearing to be tricked by a salesperson I decided to limit my investigation to the internet. To compare the different offers I needed the VIN of the car I wanted to insure and my French driving license . After several hours I got my way and there were only two candidates left on my list of potential insurance companies: PROGRESSIVE and GEICO.
I personally had enough time to compare different insurance offers if this was not your case know that you could completely take out temporary insurance to buy your vehicle and cancel it a week later for a more advantageous one.
A la carte menu
At two-three dollars ready the amount of the invoice was the same at PROGRESSIVE and GEICO. As for the cover it is customizable . I played a lot with the different options and finally arrived at the following formula:
My auto insurance coverage
You may notice that my own medical coverage ( Personal Injury Protection - $15,000 of which $2,500 is deductible) is significantly lower than that of people I could injure (Bodily Injury Liability - $100,000 per person - $300,000 max by accident). As I am already insured by APRIL INTERNATIONAL for my LIFE I do not need a second insurer for my medical expenses.
I thus saved a few dollars here and there pushed by the exorbitant price of this insurance. Playing around with these wizards a bit I quickly realized that for some options going from $50,000 to $100,000 coverage only added $2 or $3 per month. I therefore recommend totake your time to understand and choose a suitable cover .
The bill and how to pay less
I finally chose PROGRESSIVE because unlike GEICO their website accepted French driving licenses. They charge me an average of $156 per month to insure my 2010 Scion tC. As you will have understood car insurance is not given in the United States. I manage to save a little extra money by paying an advance over the next six months (almost 900 dollars).
Also when they offered to install a small accessory in my car to spy on my driving in exchange for an uncertain additional discount I immediately replied that if they thought I was going to agree to be spied on in this way by their dodgy thingy to save just two or three dollars they were right.
Spy devise from PROGRESSIVE
The small gray plastic device quickly arrived in my mailbox and was easy to install. It quickly found its place plugged into my car's diagnostic port below the left of the steering wheel. I then rode it for several weeks hearing it express itself through beeps of dissatisfaction each time it felt (rightly or wrongly) that I was braking too hard.
He communicated directly to my insurance the hours at which I drove and over what distances as well as the number of excessive accelerations and braking. I had a page on their website allowing me to see the data received live. At the end of this unusual carpooling I returned it to PROGRESSIVE and they determined that I was a good driver (phew) thus granting me a new small reduction.
The small device installed under my steering wheel
To conclude on the price of the insurance I contacted PROGRESSIVE to find out how they justified this high cost. They revealed to me that my status as a foreigner gave me a penalty the amount of which could not be communicated to me. However they told me that after 18 months this penalty would be withdrawn. Bad luck that's exactly the length of my LIFE.
I also had the unpleasant surprise to find that all my years of driving and my exemplary history as a French insured had no value in the eyes of American insurers. Finally to end on a more positive note PROGRESSIVE also covers me when I rent a car in the United States thus allowing me to refuse the rental company's insurance which is rather appreciable when traveling in this great country where the car is king.
Obtain a driver's license in the United States
The car was therefore officially mine and insured however I was still missing the license plates. I asked the saleswoman if she could keep the vehicle parked at her place while I made the round trip to the MVC (Motor Vehicle Commission) to register the car and obtain these plates.
At this moment of the article you are probably wondering what is the relationship with the driver's license in the United States? Indeed it is possible to drive in New Jersey with a French license for three months. Having bought my car a good month after my arrival I was therefore authorized to drive it.
Confident I hopped on a bus and let myself be transported to the nearest MVC to my house thinking that getting my license plates would just be a formality. Nay! When I was asked to fill in my car registration form I quickly spotted the Driving License Number box which my French license would not allow me to fill in. I tried to get sympathy from my interlocutor but nothing helped. So I said to myself “fine keep calm the MVC closes in 1h30 that gives you enough time to pass the driving license now and fill in that damn Driving License Number box.
Pass the written driver test
The good news when you already have a French driver's license is that you can get your American equivalent via an accelerated process. This is certainly the case in New Jersey. For other states the process is different. So I only had to pass the New Jersey highway code exam to get the precious sesame.
This exam called the written driver test consists of 50 various questions. You must answer at least 40 questions correctly to pass. Even being a good driver in USA he should not be taken lightly. You will need to train yourself well before going there. Note that you can repeat it several times in case of failure. However you will have to wait at least a week after an unsuccessful attempt.
How to train?
To train I used several supports.
- The first is the New Jersey MVC Handbook . It's kind of the ultimate cheat sheet since all the answers to the quiz are in this book.
- The second is the website which offers more than 600 questions in the form of small quizzes with gradual difficulty .
- Finally and this is a little find that was very useful to me this PDF file contains a set of questions and answers VERY SIMILAR ( wink wink ) to those I came across during the real exam.
The first tip is that it is not necessary to answer the questions in order . The exam lasts 35 minutes which leaves plenty of time to skip all the difficult questions and come back to them later . Moreover it stops as soon as the candidate has given 40 correct answers. If you skip the complicated questions at first you might not even answer them in the end.
The second is not to listen to the questions with the headset the speaker speaks too slowly and little to distract. Instead take the time to read the questions and answers carefully . Stay calm and respond with your time.
The third is to take the exam in English . This last trick may seem surprising but it is possible to take the exam in French. The problem is that the translation can introduce errors. In addition you will probably have developed reflexes by dint of training in English and the translation could make them obsolete.
The 6 point ID
When I let the MVC reception know that I wanted to take the written exam, I was given a small card with a number written on it and a form called “ APPLICATION FOR DRIVER EXAMINATION PERMIT ”. Then, I was prompted to advance to the identity verification queue. While waiting for my turn, I filled out the following form:
To verify the identity of applicants, New Jersey uses a method called 6-point ID . Behind this name hides a more or less complicated system. The idea is that several documents can serve as proof (a passport , a credit card, etc.). These different documents have more or less value, expressed in points.
The goal is to have at least 6 points at the time of verification. To find out which documents are accepted and for how many points, I invite you to consult the official explanatory document . In any case, in addition to these documents, it will be necessary to present proof of residence in New Jersey and aUS social security card .
Extract from the document relating to the 6 points ID
In exchange for the proofs that I put forward, I obtained the right to continue to another counter where after paying a small sum (10 dollars? my memory fails me), I obtained my Examination Permit , sheet A4 , amputated by a third, necessary to be able to confront the written test .
- Failure
Unfortunately, I failed the first time I took the written test. Being "old" and not drinking alcohol, I had not reviewed the chapters relating to driving under the influence and the rights and duties of very young drivers (a program called Early Bird Road , available from 16 years old). So I got stuck. Unable to get license plates that day. I had a car but I couldn't drive it.
My little Scion tC waiting to be registered
Additional problem, the saleswoman of my Scion tC was moving and could not keep the car with her any longer. I also couldn't leave it parked on the street or in a parking lot without a license plate . She was reportedly removed quickly by the police.
Fortunately, the Airbnb host with whom I had spent my first month in the United States was sensitive to my situation. I found myself the next evening in front of her house and the saleswoman of my car arrived at her wheel. She parked it, gave me THE key (yes yes, only one key, to this day I continue to wonder about this point) and left. My little Scion tC was no longer a problem. With peace of mind, I could devote myself entirely to revisions to finally get that damn driver's license.
Then the success
For the second time, I put the odds on my side: a little nap on the bus to the MVC, final last-minute revisions and an energy baringested just before the start of the examination. As I walked through the front door, I was confident and determined. When I moved forward in the MVC, time stood still. All eyes were on me. People made way for me to advance to the reception. I read surprise and admiration in their eyes. All were aware of the importance of the moment they were witnessing. I walked past the receptionist and calmly took off my sunglasses, looking at her shaking hands. Then, I lifted my head slowly, petrifying her face as my own face faced her. I looked her straight in the eye and told her: I'm back .
She then handed me a laminated paper again with a number on it and showed me the 6 point ID queue. Damn! After once again proving my identity, I headed for the examination section of the building and passed it again I must say without difficulty. However, the stress was part of the game and only made the victory sweeter .
After the computer told me that I had answered 40 questions correctly, I went to the counter to ask the invigilator what was next. He made me take a rather simple vision test and wrote on my Examination Permit that I had passed the examination .
Obtaining the permit itself
But what would happen now that I had this paper decorated with a shiny sticker? Was I finally going to get my driver's license? And no, not yet . Before that, you had to go through the reception, get a waiting number and a form entitled "APPLICATION FOR DRIVER LICENSE" and go again to the 6 point ID stand .
One more form to fill out...
Once my identity was verified again, I moved to another counter and showed all of my documents. It was the final step! I was asked to step back to take my picture . After which, I saw my driver's license coming out of the printer. It was as beautiful as it was still warm. What a joy to finally have it in my hands.
- Small aside:
In the United States the driver's license also serves as an identity card. In fact, I never present my passport at the airport when I travel locally.
Car registration
Driver's license in hand and euphoric, I rushed to the very last step: the counter for obtaining license plates . There, I had to pay a tax of $126.25, determined by the cost of buying my car . I was then asked if I would like to purchase one of the optional styles for my plates. I refused, my interlocutor went snooping in the back room and came back a minute later handing me brand new license plates for my car.
As I finally left the MVC, looking triumphant, I had only one problem on my mind. I now had to find a screwdriver to be able to screw the license plates on my car. A concern that quickly became history thanks to my very friendly colleagues.
It was then that finally, not without emotion, I inserted the ignition key to the right of the steering wheel to start my car, ready to leave its temporary accommodation for good. I turn the key and… nothing happens. I start again once, twice… Amazing! After all these galleys, would my car drop me at the start of our adventure? I panic slightly and open the engine hood, ready to kick the starter. I also look at the battery and play with the clutch. That's when the miracle happens.
The engine roars with pleasure! That day, I learned that to start a manual Scion tC, you have to press the clutch pedal while switching on the ignition. I started to drive slowly, then I stopped my vehicle in its tracks. I needed some music to celebrate. Gonna Fly Nowsounded quickly in my car as I rode happy and proud back behind the wheel towards Princeton…
Insuring my car, getting my driver's license, and finally registering it was no small feat. Coming to the end of these stages was the ultimate relief. I could finally enjoy 100% of the United States. A new life was offered to me.